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Дидактические материалы Просмотров: 978


 (Jacky`s house is bigger than Chris`s one. Yard B is the cleanest.)

- Were they good neighbours? (ответыучеников)

 How do you think what brought to that result that Coopers moved? (Ответы детей, учитель помогает наводящими вопросами, озвучивает проблему Envy–greedy people)

- Do you know how to be good neighbours?

Are you good neighbours? (ответыучеников)

- We`ll learn together how to be a good neighbour. (переворачивает тему на доске)

-  I suggest you to create a formula for being a good neighbour.

 What`s a good neighbor like(Дети дают варианты ответов, учитель оценивает). Can we name it “A set of personal features”.

How does the neighbor behave? Can we name it “Behavior”

What is the best way to solve the problem? Can we name it communication!
