Неделя иностранного языка
Концертная программа
Good afternoon, dear ladies and gentlemen!
Guten Tag, Damen und Herren!
Buenos días, señoras y señores!
Buongiorno! Ciao!
Dear friends, we are glad to see you on our concert! Today we have a very interesting show. We will dance, sing songs, play musical instruments, draw a picture and play acts!
Дорогие друзья, мы рады видеть вас на нашем концерте! Сегодня у нас будет очень интересное представление. Мы будем танцевать, петь, играть на музыкальных инструментах, рисовать картину и разыгрывать сценки.
- We want to start with our little friends who have recently learnt their ABC and they are ready to show their first star dance! Greet them – the 1st grade.
- Our little friends have also prepared a song about what they can do… Meet them!
- In the performance of the students the 3rd “A” grade will be performed a song “Don’t worry be happy”.
- Cheer up the students of the 3rd “V” grade. They are going to dance!
- Пастухова Арина from the 4th “A” grade wants to sing a wonderful song Moon River.
- A lot of us are fond of sports and Фролова Полина is one of them who can do it well! Greet her!
- Now on the stage the students of the 6th “G” grade. They are going to sing the French song “Salut”.
- The sounds of this song knows everyone. 4 «A» grade with the dance “Калинка”.
- Виолетта Морозова and the girls from the 6th «A» grade will perform the song "Toes Les Memes" with a wonderful dance.
- The 4th A with a Spanish song Coloures
- This week we have held a Reader`s contest and we have some winners. Here they are! Айвазов Артем 4а, Чудновская Дарья 9а, Мальцева Ксения 7а, Барышев Владимир 9В
- The well-known song "Millions of Voices" will be performed by a student of 9 "A" grade Bogdanova Julia.
- And now meet Елесеева Кристина with the unusual item!
- The boys from 11th “B” grade are going to sing a song “The sound of silence”
- Цигина Елизавета with a song Round 66
- The team of the 6th A grade likes playing acts, let`s watch them!
- The group of girls with a song Summertime sadness
- Our students can play musical instruments… Живилова Полина and Потанина Соня can demonstrate it in French!
- Well, I want to ask you a question, which holiday do the British wait at the end of December? Do you know? Yes, you are right it`s Christmas! Now the song I wish you a merry Christmas.
- The lyric song “My heart will go on” in the performance of Земляникина Юлия!
- In the conclusion of our concert we offer you a beautiful duet with a song Анастасия
- The week of foreign languages has come to the end and now we would like to sum up the results of this week. Let`s memories how we spent this week. (and reward the most active and attentive!)