Карине ГермановнаКарине Германовна
English for everyone

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  • Good morning, boys and girls! My name`s K.G.
  • I see your names and I`m glad to meet you here.
  • I`ll be your teacher today and I`m sure we`ll work like a real team.
  • Do you agree with me? – Yes, we do! - Perfectly!
  • Let`s check it! I give you a ball of threads and ask you to say a couple of kind words about the classmate next to you and then give it to your neighbor, like that – I think Kate is a smart and merry girl.
  • Now I see that we work as a real team, we are always connected and we can influence on each other.
  • Today I`m a little sad because my friend Jacky is in a trouble, she has sent me a video message. Are you ready to watch it with me and find out the problem that we`ll discuss at our lesson? – Yes, we are ready! – Let`s watch! (видео 2 мин)
  • What have you learnt from this video?
  • What a trouble does Chris have? (ответыучеников) You are right!
  • Let`s study their situation! So, look, you see 2 houses, let`s compare them. Look at the example on the board!

 (Jacky`s house is bigger than Chris`s one. Yard B is the cleanest.)

  • In classroom there are some cards with adjectives. You know that adjectives follow us everywhere. We live among them actually. And they create the atmosphere of our life. Look through the classroom and find only one card for one person. (Дети строят предложения, учитель показывает карточки)

- Were they good neighbours? (ответыучеников)

 How do you think what brought to that result that Coopers moved? (Ответы детей, учитель помогает наводящими вопросами, озвучивает проблему Envy–greedy people)

- Do you know how to be good neighbours?

Are you good neighbours? (ответыучеников)

- We`ll learn together how to be a good neighbour. (переворачивает тему на доске)

-  I suggest you to create a formula for being a good neighbour.

 What`s a good neighbor like(Дети дают варианты ответов, учитель оценивает). Can we name it “A set of personal features”.

How does the neighbor behave? Can we name it “Behavior”

What is the best way to solve the problem? Can we name it communication!

  • The Coopers weren`t the ideal neighbours – they didn`t have a good set of features, they didn`t behave well and they didn`t even communicate with their neighbours.
  • But it isn`t the only problem among neighbours. You can come across a lot of others. Pay your attention at the table with secret Things. Find a sign at your desk and be ready to come up and learn the other problems. (дети подходят раскрывают коробку, демонстрируют классу и догадываются what the problem is presented – Noise, rubbish, dangerous animals, vandalism, rudeness)
  • Let`s practice our formula and try to remain good neighbours if there are such problems. On your desks there`s an instruction and follow it. You have 5 minutes to do it. Дети озвучивают подготовленные диалоги, остальные дети оценивают игру и как удалось вжиться в роль.
  • Tell me now, do you know how to be a good neighbour?
  • Can we say that this practice help us in our real life?
  • Let`s look at our formula one more.
  • I give you this formula and want you to share it with your friends and relatives!
  • Thanks for your job at the lesson. I want to say thank you to your teacher. Be good pupils and good neighbours. Good luck!

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